Photo: Horst Schulz
The opening of the newly designed playground has long been longed for. On Monday afternoon, 27.07.2020 in the best weather it was time. Unfortunately, due to the current Corona regulations, the opening of the playground could only take place in a smaller circle.
Since the construction fence was already removed in the early afternoon, there were of course some children on site, who already conquered the playground for themselves.
Mayor Günther Jung welcomed the invited guests and thanked all those who participated in the realization of this project. The planning office BBP from Kaiserslautern was also particularly proud of the great success, which, like mayor Günther Jung and the first deputy, Christian Flohr, was delighted with the bright eyes of the children.
Despite the great start, Günther Jung also made an appeal to the guests and would like to pass it on to the entire population: “I can only encourage everyone to keep an eye on how things are handled and, if necessary, to intervene or to choose the 110 directly.”
The multi-generation place is divided into several areas, so that there is something for every age. On the one hand there is an area for the “smaller ones” with slide, small climbing tower and nest swing. Then we have a higher climbing tower for the bigger ones with swings, a slide and a gyro on which the balance can be tested. Located on the Weiherrundweg, directly opposite the playground, there is still a boules area and a little further in the direction of Westrichhalle is the newly opened outdoor gym with various trimming devices and a pole dance pole, which was sponsored by the Baumholder pole dancers. This pole dance pole was inaugurated at the end of the opening by the Poledance World Champions Amalia Lang and Kayla Burch together with their students, who showed the visitors their skills.
With cool drinks and delicious sausages, the invited visitors let the opening end comfortably.